Lana Del Rey Wiki
Lana Del Rey Wiki


Sparkle Jump Rope Queen is an early alter ego of Lana's. She registered herself on a MySpace profile under this name, and uploaded three songs onto it, found below. Although the profile dates from 2008, the songs are considerably older. As well as using "Sparkle Jump Rope Queen" as a username, she included it in her song "Put Me In a Movie" while describing "Lolita". The lyrics "You're my little sparkle jump rope queen", relate to her history with that name. When Lana recently added a link to her Instagram page for her followers to get updates on where she is touring, she titled the link "Sparkle Jump Rope Queen".

On her profile she states the following of herself,

Genre: Americana / Chinese pop / Surf

Location: BIRMINGHAM, Alabama, US

Bio: Lizzy Grant was born on the day of Worldly Rapture. She is inspired by Caffeine, G d, and David Lee Roth.


She spent two years as a trapese artist in a southern California circus.

She's been married four times in 5 countries. Having shared the stage with such acts as Mirah, Oprah, The Blow, and John Mayer, it's no surprise that she's one of the most sought after and intriguing acts to have errupted on the New York music scene.

A regular friend and influence on the downtown crowd, Lizzy Grant has been named the unofficial sweetheart by hipster musicologists everywhere. A winner of the Williamsburg Live Songwriting Contest, and notorious femme fatale, she's sweeter than yo mama's apple pie

Influences: Nirvana, Beach Boys, Claire Hogan, The Flamingos, Phil Phillips, Mickey Avalon, Chuck

Her MySpace page, and the associated tracks, can be found here.

Track List[]

  1. Slay
  2. Axl Rose Husband
  3. Blue Ribbon (same as Gramma)